When Computer Parts Fly

When Computer Parts Fly

Working in IT is meant to be safe.  The most dangerous it can get is when you’re installing a new update on your computer or being hit by the famous Blue Screen of death after not saving your work.

But in 1987 I discovered just how wrong I was.

I was called by a Caltex distributor to assist him onsite.  He had a DOS system which was using a network product called Novell, which I am certified engineer in.

The owner was getting frustrated by the speed or lack thereof, drop outs, data error (human mainly) hence my reason for being call in.  Little did I know how frustrated he was. I opened the door to his office a keyboard (which back in those days weighed 5 times as modern-day ones) flew past my head.

I was able to dodge the incoming projectile as it flew past my ear, missing me by only a few millimetres.  If it had hit me, I would have been knocked out.

The keyboard wasn’t the only computer part that went flying that day.  During that meeting I watched a mouse, and another keyboard fly around the room along with some Australian slang for good measure.  I’m only surprised that the computer itself wasn’t thrown out the window.


From that day forward I made sure I knocked before entering a client’s room.  I also added danger money to their invoices for any airborne equipment.


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