Developers Support

To use or connect to the CRM-Map API you will first need to create a API Key to attach to all your API requests.

  • API Keys have the same access as an Administrator level user. Be careful who you give them to. They can be revoked at any time.
  • To use the CRM-Map’s API, some general API knowledge and skills is assumed.
  • The API uses simple HTTP POST/GET/DELETE calls, passing the data in a JSON Format

Creating New API Keys

To create a new API Key, you will need to

  1. Go to
  2. Sign in to your company using an account that has administrator access
  3. Select the Setup Menu
  4. Select the Import/Export Menu Item
  5. Select Create New API Key

A new API Key will be created and added to the list of your API Keys.

Using API Keys

To use the key it can be

  • Added to the HTTP request URL

  • Added to the HTTP Header

    Content-Type: application/json;
    apikey: yourapikeyhere

  • Added to the JSON Data in the request body

    “text”:“New Status Text”,


API URLs and functions

The table below show the current (v1) functions included in the CRM-Map API


[table “” not found /]


List all products, Example URL:

Product Code is currently repeated twice in the data format, this is likely to change in newer versions

 "draw": 1,
 "recordsTotal": 3,
 "recordsFiltered": 3,
 "data": [
            [ "Product Code", "Category", "Product Code", "Name", "" ],
            [ "nexus7", "Google Devices", "nexus7", "Nexus 7", "" ],
            [ "s6", "Samsung Devices", "s6", "Samsung Galaxy S6", ""]
 "info": []

Get, Create,Update a single product, Example URL:

 "code": "s6",
 "category": "Samsung Devices",
 "name": "Samsung Galaxy S6",
 "description": "A phone from samsung, made in is galaxy",
 "value": 299.99,
 "CustomFields": {
       "released": "2015"


[table “” not found /]


List all Contacts, Example GET  URL:

Contact Code is currently repeated twice in the data format, this is likely to change in newer versions

 "draw": 1,
 "recordsTotal": 172,
 "recordsFiltered": 172,
 "data": [
           ["Contact Code","Contact Code", "Contact Name", "Suburb","" ],
           ["10","10", "Willunga General Store", "Willunga", ""]
 "info": []

Get a single contact, Example GET URL:

 "contactcode": "1",
 "name": "Accede",
 "address": "23 North Tec Hacknet South Australia",
 "locationid": 643,
 "CustomFields": {
      "telephone": "1234 3455",
      "last-contacted": "",
      "next-visit": "",
      "comments": ""

Update or Create a single contact, Example POST URL:

Only an address or locationid field needs to be used. If the address field is used, a new location will be created.
The new location id will be returned in the POST result.

Custom Fields can be omitted if they not used.

All fields are optional except for Contact Code and Name.

 "contactcode": "1",
 "name": "Accede",
 "address": "23 North Tec Hacknet South Australi Australia",
 "locationid": 643,
 "CustomFields": {
      "telephone": "555 5 5123",
      "last-contacted": "",
      "next-visit": "",
      "comments": ""



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Create a single transaction, Example POST URL:

Only an Address, LocationId, or ContactId is required.  CRM-Map will get the address of which every field is provided.
To remove a product from a transaction, with out deleting and recreating the transaction, set the products qty to 0 (Zero)

 "Statusid": "1",
 "Products": {
       "1234": "1",
       "ProductCode": "qty"
 "address": "23 North Tec\nHacknet\nSouth Australia 5000\nAustralia",
 "locationid": 643,
 "contactid": 444,
 "CustomFields": {}




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