Personalized Icons and Fonts

By using CRM-Map you are able to use Google Maps not just as your personalized view of the world, but your pathway to sales, profit and growth!

From the moment you log in to CRM-Map, Google Maps becomes your intuitive, cloud based route to finding and managing clients and prospects, all neatly organised, personalized to your business and industry or filtered to suit you, your team and your business.

CRM-Maps personalized options will solve your needs and improve your company effectiveness. You can use your own chosen Icons, Colors, Fields, Terminology, Products, Status and Categories.

CRM-Map will allow you to see at a glance your data.  You may have different applications for this, such as a sales tool, or a customer QA tool, or a Find a Product tool.  By using Google Maps as the main interface, CRM-Map is the CRM application that organisations/sales teams will find easy to use, saving you time, money and effort.

By having your own design, terminology and fields, you can use CRM-Map for many functions in your organisation.  Some examples of these are Sales, QA, Servicing, Door knock appeals and even Invoicing.  The limit is really up to your needs as CRM-Map is the glue between Your Data and Google Maps.